Friday, May 10, 2013

Sweet Leaks

      We so very much wanted everyone to hear this months ago, but due to the "biz", we were inclined to bite our tongues and lie in wait until the right moment.
Now that this moment has arrived, we've let loose and are dancing in the streets (A lot like David Bowie/Mick Jagger version, with the super baggy khaki suits and the empty apartment complex) and are just revealing shit left and right.
    Along with this new track, we've put up Pre-Orders at Hellfish Family for the Perfect State EP, along with 2 new shirt designs, one done by our very good friend, Jonathan Davis (no, not from Korn).

     Now that the cat's out of the bag, I hope that this will tie you guys over for at least another month. Once you've built up your appetite for more, we'll spoon feed you some more goodies and our EP should be out by then.
    Time will tell.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Movement with Sound

I can smell it.
The anticipation. The suspense.
     Waiting on the edge, holding back all of the work that us and our friends have done for this band until the right moment of release. That's enough to drive anyone insane. I suppose that's just how marketing tactics work, right? Give them the first taste for free and then let them go through withdrawals so they come crawling back for more. Kinda like how drug dealers work...
     Well, If it were up to me, I'd let everyone have at it right now; Claws out and teeth gnashing, fighting to the floor for whatever it is that was tossed into the crowd. 

At least I can hold on for just a few more days and I most certainly hope that you can, too.
Friday. That's our meal ticket. That's Pizza day. That's when we let loose another beast.
Make sure you're here for it.